Management Strategies and Practice
Administration and Development
I believe in a holistic approach to cultural leadership that is based on a balance of creative thinking, strategic visioning, and tactical planning. My goal has been to develop administrative structures that embraces strong, responsible management, sound financial goals, and openness and engagement in decision-making and goal setting encompasses staff, trustees, and community advisors. I have held leadership positions at the Parrish Art Museum, the Blaffer Art Museum, the Corcoran Gallery of Art and the New Museum of Contemporary Art.
§ Strategic Planning
A solid strategic and tactical plan is essential to goal-realization, and setting ambitious aspirations requires a thorough establishment and articulation of the core values of the institution. I work with staff and trustees to understand the past, review successes and failures, and set the agenda for a one-three-five year plan based on the foundation of guiding principles that govern the decision-making process.
§ Crisis Management
Working through crisis requires confidence and humility in equal measures. Information gathering from all stakeholder voices is essential, as is a broader understanding of any social, cultural, political, and economic contexts from which decisions and actions to address a crisis can be based.
§ Fundraising
Ensuring that an institution’s goals can be met requires a strong ability to cultivate potential supporters and stakeholders at all levels. I am a skilled fundraiser with a recognized ability i establishing and maintaining personal relationships across all platforms